TNN Bulletin

How to Make Your New Employees Feel Welcome
- Know Your New Employees Even Before They Start Working
There’s a lot involved in the onboarding process, but it should take a few minutes to get to know new hires. No matter how busy your start is, taking the time to interact at a personal level can help you start a connection. Today’s workers value gratitude more than any generation ever, and they should be aware of their true interests.
- Have Them Talk To Your Current Employees
Do not ever let new employees quietly slip into the workforce. Before starting please let the rest of your staff know about your arrival and provide personal information if possible. This will bring a connection to the old and the new employees to provide a better partnership that can help with the working environment.
- Let New Hires Work with Mentors
Hype can’t make new hires feel at home if they feel they’re constantly being lost in their load at work. It can take some time to get used to a productive routine, so make sure your new hire knows who to ask for help. Mentoring relationships can also last beyond the proficiency period, and experienced personnel can make new employees feel more relaxed.
- Having Then Join in Staff Meeting
New employees, especially temporary workers, often crack at regular meetings. Pay particular attention to inviting new employees to these events so that they feel welcome in their new position.
- Always Request for New Hires’ Feedback
If employees feel that their voices and opinions are not valued, they quickly settle in. Asking new employees for their opinions is also of great practical value. After all, a fresh mind brings newly-harvested ideas, and you may soon find that your new employee’s ideas are transforming your facility for the better.
At Total Nurses Network, we know that the hiring process and decision matter. We aim to have the best nursing staff on the market in a medical facility like you. Contact us now for more information on part-time, full-time, and travel nursing!