TNN Bulletin

Healthcare Tips, News, Nursing and Medical Staffing Advice

Challenges New Nurses Are Experiencing

For many of us, the heroic work and tireless efforts that healthcare professionals have put in during this pandemic have been nothing short of awe-inspiring. From nurses to doctors, medical staff across the world have demonstrated a level of courage and unwavering commitment to their patients that is truly admirable. But amongst all these warriors, there are particular struggles facing new nurses which can often be overlooked – whether it be financial instability or just navigating difficult shifts. In this blog post, I will take a deep dive into those issues so we can better understand how new nurses are adjusting to an already challenging climate.

First and foremost, let’s tackle the issue of financial stability. Nursing is a notoriously difficult profession to break into, with nurses often having to survive on limited resources until they can secure a full-time role. Consequently, many new nurses are struggling during this period as they attempt to cover their living expenses while working fewer hours or on a reduced wage. To make matters worse, many hospitals are limiting the number of hours that new nurses can work in order to reduce expenses and adhere to public health guidelines – leaving many with no other option but to take up additional odd jobs.

For those who have managed to find full-time roles during this pandemic, they must now face the challenge of navigating difficult shifts. These long, unpredictable hours can make it hard for nurses to maintain a healthy lifestyle, let alone find the time to pursue outside interests. Furthermore, the added pressure of having to work with limited resources and less staff can create an overwhelming environment for inexperienced nurses who may not have received adequate training or mentorship.

Clearly, new nurses are bearing the brunt of this crisis in a number of ways. Although much has been made about the noble efforts of healthcare workers during this pandemic, we cannot forget about those who are just starting out and navigating uncharted territory. We must recognize their struggles and do our best to provide meaningful support in any way we can.

We believe that our nurses are some of the best in the business, and we would be honored to have you as part of our Total Nurses Network family. If you are an aspiring nursing professional and want to try medical staffing agency, apply now! We offer a unique experience that will allow you to grow professionally while making a difference in people’s lives.